Suggestions & Complaints

Aims & Objectives
Suggestions & Complaints
Terms &

Suggestions, and Ideas are welcome and expected at the home. However, we hope you will never have a reason to complain, but if you do, complaints should first be raised with the manager. You can enlist the help of someone:

  • Family / friends / neighbours
  • Age Concern 0115
  • Fairdeal 0115
  • LAMP. 0115

or anyone else you feel can help you achieve an acceptable outcome to your grievance, but if you are not satisfied, you and/or your representatives should contact the:

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA.
Tel. No. 03000-616161.

and if you are still unsatisfied, you can contact the Health Service Government Ombudsman Tel: 0845-015-4033

The Home will take all grievances seriously and prompt action will result if the complaint is justified, investigations and actions will be completed within 28 days.